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How do I assign a current timestamp to an event vs. the event timestamp?

Erin Sweeney
Erin Sweeney Posts: 45 admin
edited July 2023 in Stream

I have this really simple function enabled to configure current time as timestamp, but it doesn‚'t seem to work. it's still taking timestamp from event.

Best Answer

  • Brandon McCombs
    Brandon McCombs Posts: 150 mod
    Answer ✓

    The way you have it configured it will extract timestamp from the event. If you want current time, use an Eval to assign it. Eval info from the docs here: Eval | Cribl Docs


  • Brandon McCombs
    Brandon McCombs Posts: 150 mod
    Answer ✓

    The way you have it configured it will extract timestamp from the event. If you want current time, use an Eval to assign it. Eval info from the docs here: Eval | Cribl Docs